
And now for something completely different...

BEANS! My last post didn't really capture the true bloody awfulness of breakfast beans. Not the way Terry Gilliam does. I like baked beans, don't get me wrong, even the canned ones from Bush's. Especially the canned ones from Bush's. But what passes over here for what we can get over there is, overall, quite underwhelming. Overwhelmingly so. So it is with great pleasure that I can announce I've found breakfast beans worth trying.

I say worth trying because I haven't actually done so yet. They certainly looked good. And homemade. But I'm getting ahead of myself.

Don't You Forget About Me

One of my work colleagues has been in town from the states the last couple weeks. We went to breakfast at The Breakfast Club near Liverpool Street the day after he flew in. There's another one over in Soho, but the queue at that one has been horrendous the couple of times I've walked by. I was a little disappointed the place didn't look like a gymnasium that had been hastily converted into a library, and also that Molly Ringwald wasn't anywhere to be seen. So much for nostalgia.

Ackee Brekkie

The Jamaican breakfast
Chorizo and eggs

Just try to read that title without getting a Garth Brooks song stuck in your head. A friend of mine suggested we try Banner's in Crouch End for breakfast last weekend. She'd been there before, and highly recommended it. I'd never tried ackee before, but I'll be having it again.

Mushrooms, the longer way 'round

Mess cafe's "The American"

As I've documented previously, I'm always on the lookout for a good breakfast diner. I tried Mess Cafe this morning, and while it didn't quite live up to expectations, it certainly fits the description. Also in this update, Kopapa and a return to Caravan!

The Big Apple

I've lived in Austin for the better part of a decade, and it's one of the best food towns there is. I've held that to be true since before the recent influx of food trucks and gourmet chefs. The variety and number of restaurants is staggering, especially for a city of its size. New York compares favorably to this baseline. Sure, there were a couple misfires, but we're in unfamiliar territory, so that's to be expected. Here's a brief list of places to take a bite out of the Big Apple.

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